Thursday, May 7, 2009

Is My God Real?

It has been quite a while since I made my last post, but I feel a new urge to perhaps share my thoughts with some in hopes that God may move in my life and in others' lives as I release some of what God has given to me. Many things have triggered my re-interest in posting something; specifically this week I have been in a whirlwind of events. So, for this post I would just like to examine some of the things occurring in my life at the moment. A few days ago me and my roommate decided to email a local weatherman; we have come to enjoy watching his broadcast for little to no reason, or at least we thought. However, his reply to our email threw me for a loop; to sum up our email I will just say that we told him we were students at Johnson Bible College, we described some similarities in our positions (meteorology and ministry), and finally asked him to take on a catch-phrase (we threw in some suggestions). I expected a quick, canned email that just thanked us for watching...but what I got was a humbling message that has stuck with me all week. He Wrote...

Thanks for the great e-mail. I do appreciate you watching and for the
"catch" phrase suggestions. Those phrases usually come out unexpected
chatter at the set. I've thought about it a few times but never came of
with anything and didn't want it to sound forced.
I'd love to say, "So that is what God has coming your way on Thursday,"
but don't think I would get away with that very long.
As a believer, appreciate your witness and wish you many blessings as
you prepare to share HIS word.
Joshua 1:9

I was surprised by his kind demeanor and the way he encouraged us in our journey in ministry. By his words I was reminded that what I was doing was something that moved well beyond bible college or Sunday/Wednesday services. This man understands the reality of Christ, while I, a man preparing to spend the rest of my life working for the progress of the Gospel, at times forget the role that I have been given. The text he put at the end of his email, Joshua 1:9 says this,

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

I would not have been so impacted by this email if it had not been for our annual awards chapel here at school. During the ceremonies, I was surprised with an award for "Outstanding Student in Homiletics I" which is given to students who stand out in the first year preaching class. I did not expect this award to come my way, for I know that there are better preachers and better men who were just as, if not more, worthy of such an honor. This was a humbling experience for me, but it has only reassured me that God is active in my life.

Basically, I would like to end with recognizing God's living nature; many people question where God is and wonder if He exists, but this week has been such a wonderful reminder that God takes unworthy people and gives them tasks to do, but He is not done with giving us tasks because He gives us the power to perform the tasks given to us. I charge myself and I charge you to be courageous and bold for the our LORD, Yahweh, for He will be with us wherever we go.

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