Sunday, September 28, 2008

It Is Well, or Is It Well?

One of America's favorite hymns of assurance and faith, It is Well with My Soul, has an impacting story of one man's faith through certain events that have caused and will cause many others to come to a place of deep depression and a lack of hope. However, I am forced to encounter this story with a sense of hope; an understanding that my faith, or lack their of, is all that keeps my life together. I, like Peter, in the Biblical account recorded in John 6:68 find myself telling the Lord that I have no where else to go. When things of life consume me and overwhelm me, I am often found in a place of being asked by the Holy Spirit, "will you leave now too?" But I must respond by saying that I have no other place to turn! Faith is not something that I cling to when my life goes as planned, but it is the hope of faith that requires my utter commitment at times when life is not what it is "supposed to be." Anyways, I saw this video from Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington and was again reminded about the wonderful story behing the loved song, I hope you too are encouraged by faithfulness that comes from a clinging to hope for all it's worth!

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