Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Woeful Without the Word

Charles Spurgeon gave his students this instruction in relation to their call to ministry: "We must feel that woe is unto us if we preach not the gospel; the word of God must be unto us as fire in our bones, otherwise if we undertake the ministry, we shall be unhappy in it, shall be unable to bear the self-denials incident to it, and shall be of little service to those among whom we minister."

If you dare preach the Word, do you do it because you would grow sick if you didn't? Do the scriptures kindle a fire within you that is consuming? When you get up to speak God's message, do you allow the Word to create the spark that sets you on fire so that others may be drawn to the light? Oh that I would be a preacher because there is nothing else left to me God would have me do. If I go a season without preaching may I grow sick and be consumed with a fire unquenchable by any force other than releasing God's message to sinners in need of Truth. If the Word does not provide the power or the spark, may I never stand in the pulpit! God, please keep me away from speaking about you, but instead may I proclaim your name to the world from whatever text you would have opened. Unlock the treasure box that is your Word that I may see the glorious rewards hidden within, sharing them with your people.

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